Lot 161-166 Block D, Avenue 5, Bandar Utama (IJM) Mile 6, North Road,90000 Sandakan Sabah,Malaysia




Check in starts at 2:00pm, and our check out time is 12:00pm.
Please contact our counter staff for assistance. We allow guest to check-in early if there is extra room available.
Different rates are due to the different promotions being offered by a hotel at any given time.
All promotional rates displayed are already discounted. Information regarding specific hotel promotions are also displayed on the booking form. For more details, please continue to the booking form.
Your password is case-sensitive, please make sure that you properly use uppercase and lowercase characters when entering your password. You can set a new password at any time by using the following “Forgot your password?” link.
Room types vary from hotel to hotel however, hotels will generally have Standard, Deluxe, Superior, Club and Suite rooms. The main difference would be the room size and amenities. You can check for more information by clicking on [Photo / More Detail] next to the room type selected.
Other than change of Guest name, all bookings cannot be amended, modified or cancelled. Any booking cancellation or failure to arrive on the scheduled check-in date will be treated as a no-show in respect of a booking and will result in the total payment under that Booking Confirmation (including any Add-on charges together with any applicable tax paid) non-refundable and will be forfeited.

No. Our Hotels is a non-smoking Hotel. You are not permitted to smoke anywhere within the building.
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Sorry, pets are not allowed in the Hotel.